Think Pieces

Dear Reader

Reading time: 2 minutes I wanted to write about endings. This purely had to do with me reading the room and trying to fit in a spot. Then I spoke to Tee and she said, why don’t you write about beginnings instead? I was like, “ma’am. what? it’s literally the end of the year.” One thing she said that […]

Think Pieces

Why do they say grief is circular?

Reading time: 3 minutes When I was 19, I lost my grandmother and it was one of the most challenging periods of grief in my life. That whole year of her death went by with me looking for a coping mechanism for the gaping hole that her demise had created. Honestly, it felt like I was experiencing sadness on […]

Think Pieces

Waiting: why you need to do it.

Reading time: 3 minutes Recently, I realized I have zero patience. I literally do not have the time of day to wait for things or people. I just want everything to happen in my own time which is a bit of a stretch because that nearly never happens. Let me be clear, I am not stating this discovery on […]