
Attempting To Live

So I was in the exam hall writing my final paper ( Awa ti final yiaa ^.^ ).
For the session. Lool.
And then something occured to me.
All of a sudden. Out of the blue.
So then, I turned over my question paper and started writing.
( As per finishing already 30mins after we started ni o. Haha. )
Therein lies all what I wrote :

“Dear Me…”
“I am afraid I haven’t loved you as much as I have loved anyone else”
“This, I hope you forgive me of”
“Stoical, resilient, indefatigeable…”
“Those words don’t even describe you enough”

Okay guys, my muse stopped working right there. Lool.
Truth is I don’t know how best to write this that it wouldn’t seem like some sort of self-appraisal.
And that is the least of my intentions right now.

I just want to appreciate me.
For all of those times of neglect. (Yeah, I confess that I have indeed neglected myself. )
Put my needs where it concerns others down down the list.
( Education is the height. Tcheeeww. )
I can imagine how fighting me must be.

Now that I have finished my exams, ( Define Happiness. Me: Finishing Exams!!! πŸ˜€ ) I am going to devote all the time I can get to myself.
It only feels right.
I have decided that, on my birthday this year, I am going to have my cake to myself.
Yeah. (˘̯˘ )
Just me and me alone.
Afterall, it’s meant to be my ‘Birth-day’. I might as well not share the day with any1 else. ( No pun intended πŸ˜€ )

NB: Don’t take me serious. I am not myself. I am hungry. ( ._.)

All I am saying is that I am going to take out time to pamper myself!
I am not going to wait for anybody to do it.
(Yayyy! Going make-up shopping! πŸ˜€ )
All of you that used to form strong-head for me. Shame upon u!

I feel as though I haven’t lived.
(There! You have it. )
And yes, YOLO. LITS.

(You only live once. Life is too short. )

Bae’s gotta taste life. For all I know, this is the only chance I would get. πŸ™‚

“Who knows when death would call?”

*starts playing ‘Live while we’re young by One direction*

*drifts off into sleep*


2 thoughts on “Attempting To Live

  1. You should love your self D same way you’d love any other person. ehen! on the matter of that cake, omo forget o me must chop ooo. ;).

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